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Julian Taylor

Notary Public - 07838 349592

Hi there, my name is Julian Taylor, and I am a Notary Public based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. I offer a range of notary services, including powers of attorneyship, authentication of documents and witnessing foreign wills.

My principal role is to assist in preparing documents or attesting* the authenticity of documents prepared by others, and my qualification is accepted around the world. I have third-party indemnity insurance for your protection. And I can work flexibly with appointments at short notice – early in the morning, late at night, at your home or via video link.

I am regulated by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury of 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JT.

If you're interested in using my services, please get in touch.

*Attesting is more than simply certifying something as a true copy of the original. If a document has been attested by a notary, it has gone through a process that courts, government departments and other organisations abroad can accept without having to make any further checks.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Notary Public?

A Notary Public is a specialist lawyer appointed by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury and whose role is to authenticate documents for use abroad.

Is a notary the same as a solicitor?

Notaries frequently are solicitors as the work that they do often complements the work of the other. However, some notaries do come from other work backgrounds where as others only act and work as a notary.

How do you get a document notarised in England?

To have a document notarised in England, the notary will check the identity and capacity of the person signing the document. The notary will ensure that the person understands the content of the document and that they are authorised to sign it. Finally, they will use their own judgement to be satisfied that there is no fraud or any undue influence or illegality.

Can a Notary Public give legal advice?

Generally, a notary will not give legal advice on the law of the country where a document is destined to go, unless they are a qualified lawyer in that country also.

How much does a notary cost?

All notaries must provide details on what their fee will be or how it is to be calculated together with timescales for carrying out their work. They must also provide information on the levels of insurance they have, how to make a complaint, and confirmation that they are regulated by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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